ハワイ大学との協働サマープログラム開催されました Summer Course Held in Collaboration with the University of Hawaii

7月20日〜27日の8日間、ハワイ大学からアメリカ文化研究のトップランナー吉原 真里先生をお招きして、文学研究科教員との協働によるサマープログラムを開講いたしました。

Professor Mari Yoshihara – a leading researcher of American cultural studies at the University of Hawaii – was hosted for an eight-day summer program held from July 20 to July 27 in collaboration with the Graduate School of Letters at Hokkaido University. 

授業のテーマ(講義題目)は「Pacific Music Festival: Art, Politics, and Economy 」で、札幌を舞台に繰り広げられる国際教育音楽祭パシフィック・ミュージック・フェスティバル(PMF)を軸に、芸術・政治・経済の文化研究を学ぶプログラムが行われました。座学講義のほか、双方向型の演習、PMFメンバーとの交流、コンサート参加、白老フィールドトリップと盛りだくさんの内容でした。

Based on the subject of “Pacific Music Festival: Art, Politics, and Economy,” the summer program was held to raise attendees’ awareness of cultural studies in relation to art, politics and economy with focus on the Pacific Music Festival (PMF; an international educational music event held in Sapporo). The course included classroom lectures as well as a variety of activities including interactive seminars, exchanges with PMF attendees, participation in a concert and a field trip to Shiraoi.


Learn more about the program.

The main instructor was Professor Yoshihara, who is a leading researcher on the work of PMF founder Leonard Bernstein.
The program was coordinated by Professor Eijun Senaha of Hokkaido University’s Graduate School of Letters.
A lecture was given at Enyuu Gakusha Community Hall in an open atmosphere with lush green surroundings.

東京大学の矢口 祐人先生(アメリカ研究)、本研究科の安達先生(音楽心理学)もシンポジウムのコメンテーターとして授業に参加していただきました。

American studies professor Yujin Yaguchi from the University of Tokyo and music psychology professor Mayumi Adachi from the Graduate School of Letters at Hokkaido University were also hosted as commentators at the symposium.



Keen amateur pianist Professor Yoshihara gave a special lecture combined with a piano performance on the third day of the program. This was a fun and valuable opportunity as her first performance in a class anywhere.



During a field trip to the Ainu Museum in Shiraoi on the sixth day of the program, attendees took a class on playing traditional Ainu musical instruments called the mukkuri and tonkori and learned about Ainu culture.



Students had traditional Ainu fare for lunch.

プログラム4日目と7日目は、札幌コンサートホールKitaraへのフィールド実習。4日目はPMFアカデミーの指揮者コースのリハーサル風景を見学し、7日目はコンサート本番を鑑賞後、客演指揮者のアンドリス・ポーガ氏、指揮者コースのアカデミー生3名(粟辻 聡氏・Conner Covington氏・Wilson Ng氏)へのインタビューを行いました。

On the fourth and seventh days of the program, attendees went on a field trip to Sapporo’s Kitara Concert Hall. On the fourth day, they watched an open rehearsal by the PMF Conducting Academy. On the seventh day, they interviewed guest conductor Andris Poga and three members of the PMF Conductor Academy (So Awatsuji, Conner Covington and Wilson Ng) after the concert. 

The interview was conducted in the Large Rehearsal Room at Kitara. The attendees showed great interest in this room and its variety of musical instruments, as it is not usually open to the public.
Mr. Poga answered the questions in detail, and was surprisingly relaxed considering that the interview was held immediately after the concert. He put the academy members and program attendees at ease with his light-hearted interaction.


After the general interview, groups made up of one academy member and a number of program attendees engaged in lively discussions.



On the last day of the program, attendees gave presentations on what they had learned. A mini-symposium was also held, and Professor Yoshihara presented course completion certificates to the students. 


授業アンケートでは、「PMFに惹かれて参加したこの講義でしたが、教養と音楽的素養、ユーモアを備えた吉原先生との8日間に渡る対話、ピアノコンサート、PMFリハーサル、さらに思いかけずアイヌ文化まで知ることができて大変貴重な経験となりました。」「1週間、たっぷり英語の授業が受けられて、とても貴重な経験ができました。」「There’s no other class like this class. This class fascinated and influenced me a lot.」といった大変満足度の高い回答が得られました。

Results from a questionnaire survey of course attendees were very positive. These included, “I attended the program only because I was interested in the PMF, but it also provided the chance for eight days of interaction with Professor Yoshihara (a sophisticated instructor with high musical ability and a great sense of humor), the opportunity to attend a piano concert and a PMF rehearsal, unexpected experience of Ainu culture, and other opportunities” “Attending a week of classes in English was a very valuable experience,” and “There’s no other class like this. It fascinated me and influenced me a lot.”