第7回人間知・脳・AIセミナー/CHAIN Academic Seminar #7
Enrico Bonadio 氏講演会/Dr. Enrico Bonadio “The AI Revolution and Its Impact on Intellectual Property Laws”
日時 / Date
13:00-14:30, Thursday, October 31st, 2019
場所 / Venue
北海道大学 人文・社会科学総合教育研究棟 W409室
Room W409, Humanities and Social Sciences Classroom Buildings, Hokkaido University
(Kita-10, Nishi-7, Kita-ku, Sapporo)
講演者 / Lecturer
Dr. Enrico Bonadio
(City, University of London)
講演タイトル / Title
The AI Revolution and Its Impact on Intellectual Property Laws
講演要旨 / Abstract
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is nowadays capable of coming up with creative and inventive outputs that until not long ago just human beings were capable to produce. Music, literature and art are already being created by computers and machines. Can these outputs be protected by copyright and patent laws? If they are protectable, who should be deemed the owner of the resulting copyright and patent? The talk will delve into these burning legal questions and issues, expanding on the challenges AI pose to the authorship and inventorship requirements as well as the legal provisions on originality and inventive step/non obviousness in several jurisdictions, including United States, United Kingdom and the European Union (EU).
対象 / Target audience
Anyone who is interested in the theme of the seminar.
定員 / Capacity
参加費 / Fee
無料 / Free
言語 / Language
英語 / English
申込方法 / Application
Application in advance is not required. Please come directly to the venue.
主催 / Organizer
北海道大学 人間知・脳・AI研究教育センター
the Center for Human Nature, Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience (CHAIN)
お問い合わせ先 / Contact
Office of the Center for Human Nature, Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience (CHAIN)
Tel: 011-706-4049 Email: office@chain.hokudai.ac.jp