【開催中止/ Canceled】
10回人間知・AIセミナー「Neural mechanisms of supervised versus reinforcement motor learning (講師: Dr. Sungshin Kim)」開催のお知らせ / CHAIN Academic Seminar #10 “Lecture of Dr. Sungshin Kim”

【Canceled】The event is canceled due to the speaker’s schedule.


第10回 人間知・脳・AIセミナー/CHAIN Academic Seminar #8
「Neural mechanisms of supervised versus reinforcement motor learning」

日時 / Date & Time

February 14, 2020, 16:00-17:00

場所 / Venue

北海道大学 学術交流会館 第3会議室
Hokkaido University Conference Hall, Meeting Room3
(Kita-8, Nishi-5, Kita-ku, Sapporo)

講師 / Lecturer

Dr. Sungshin Kim
(Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research, Institute for Basic Science, Sungkyunkwan University)
 Details of Lecturer

講演要旨 / Abstract

Most researchers agree on that motor learning can be categorized into two distinct types, motor adaptation and skill learning. They are differentiated whether learners recalibrate well-trained movement to changes in environment (adaptation) or generate novel movement patterns (skill learning). The motor adaptation involves a parametric change of a motor controller driven by sensory-prediction errors potentially computed by internal models. Thus, motor adaptation can be considered as supervised learning based on directional error feedbacks. In contrast, the motor skill learning involves generating novel movement patterns to achieve task goals. For the learning signals, the skill learning requires evaluative feedback such as reward or penalty instead of directional errors, thus involving initial exploration to select motor controllers associated with higher rewards. This type of learning is known as reinforcement learning. In this seminar, I compare and contrast supervised learning and reinforcement learning and present a fMRI study for each type of learning. I discuss their neural substrates, notably cortico-cerebellar network (adaptation) and cortico-striatal network (skill learning). For the former, I introduce simple computational models for motor adaptation with multiple time scales and present a fMRI study based on the model. For the latter, I present a de novo motor skill learning task for fMRI experiment recently developed in my lab, in which participants learned to control a computer cursor by moving their fingers from scratch. Lastly, I briefly introduce other ongoing studies and future research related with motor learning & memory in my lab.

言語 / Language

英語 / English

参加費 / Fee

無料 / Free

申込方法 / Application

Application in advance is not required. Please come directly to the venue.

主催 / Organizer

北海道大学 人間知・脳・AI研究教育センター
the Center for Human Nature, Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience (CHAIN)

お問い合わせ先 / Contact

Office of the Center for Human Nature, Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience (CHAIN)
Tel: 011-706-4049 Email: office@chain.hokudai.ac.jp