【Important Updates / 開催中止のご案内】16th Annual Meetinh of the Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS-16)/ 16 スラブ言語研究学会国際研究集会開催のお知らせ


The SLS-16 organizing committee regrets to inform you that the meeting scheduled to take place in Sapporo cannot be held this year due to the still-unpredictable course of the COVID-19 pandemic. The decision was finalized only after it was thoroughly discussed both with the SLS board members and Dr. Gabriela Múcsková who is in charge of the Bratislava meeting originally planned for 2022. We have come to the conclusion that the Sapporo meeting will be moved to September 2022 (SLS-17) and the Bratislava meeting (SLS-18) to 2023. As for this year’s meeting, Dr. Aida Talić (U of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) will host an online conference, which will count as SLS-16. The conference will be hosted from 3rd to 5th September, 2021. The deadline for paper abstracts or thematic panel proposals is March 29, 2021. For details, see: https://publish.illinois.edu/sls16uiuc2021/


16th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS-16)
第16回 スラブ言語研究学会国際研究集会開催のお知らせ

the Hokkaido University (HU) Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC) is pleased to announce an upcoming international symposium as follows.
北海道大学 スラブ・ユーラシア研究センターの主催で、以下の通り国際研究集会を開催いたします。

SLS-16 is currently calling for proposals.
Deadline for submission of proposals: March 15, 2021
発表受付期限: 2021年3月15日

Date / 開催日程

Wednesday, 8 September 2021〜Friday, 10 November 2021

Venue/ 会場

Conference Hall, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Keynote Speakers / 基調講演者

  • Victor A. Friedman (U of Chicago, USA & La Trobe U, Australia)
  • Jadranka Gvozdanović (Heidelberg U, Germany)
  • Andrej A. Kibrik (Institute of Linguistics RAS & Lomonosov Moscow State U, Russia)
  • Magdalena Danielewicz (U of Warsaw, Poland)
  • Danko Šipka (Arizona State U, USA)

Language / 言語

English・Russian / 英語・ロシア語

Organizers / 主催・共催

Hosted by/ 主催
  • Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University
    北海道大学 スラブ・ユーラシア研究センター
Supported by / 共催・助成
  • Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences, Hokkaido University
  • Slavic Linguistics Society
  • JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number: 17H01641
    文部科学省科研費課題番号: 17H01641

Inquiries / お問い合わせ

sls16in2021@gmail.com (Dr. Motoki Nomachi)
