- Research Subject
- The philosophical ideology of Chinese poets, especially the philosophy of reclusion.
- The history of classical Chinese poetry criticism.
- Gender issues observed in Ming and Qing novels.
- Research Fields
- Classical Chinese literature and Chinese philosophy
- Faculty - Division / Research Group / Laboratory
- Division of Humanities / Research Group of Cultural Representations / Laboratory of Sinology
- Graduate School - Division / Department / Laboratory
- Division of Humanities / Department of Cultural Representations / Laboratory of Sinology
- School - Course / Laboratory
- Division of Humanities and Human Sciences / Course of Linguistics and Literature / Laboratory of Sinology
- Contact
Email: kuma(at)
Replace “(at)” with “@” when sending email.Foreign exchange students who want to be research students (including Japanese residents) should apply for the designated period in accordance with the “Research Student Application Guidelines”. Even if you send an email directly to the staff, there is no reply.- Related Links