
TANABE Hiroko Associate Professor
Research Subject

We are studying the mechanism underlying body movement or behavior and the psychological processes, such as motor control, motor learning, motion attractiveness, and beauty. We are targeting a variety of body movements, such as walking, sports performance, dance, and playing musical instruments.

Research Fields
Cognitive and behavioral science (motor control, body expression, and sports psychology)
Faculty - Division / Research Group / Laboratory
Division of Human Sciences / Research Group of Psychology / Laboratory of Psychology
Graduate School - Division / Department / Laboratory
Division of Human Sciences / Department of Psychology / Laboratory of Psychology
School - Course / Laboratory
Division of Humanities and Human Sciences / Course of Human Sciences / Laboratory of Psychology

Office/Lab: E410
Email: h.tanabe(at)let.hokudai.ac.jp
Replace “(at)” with “@” when sending email.

Foreign exchange students who want to be research students (including Japanese residents) should apply for the designated period in accordance with the “Research Student Application Guidelines”. Even if you send an email directly to the staff, there is no reply.
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