- Research Subject
- Transition from school to work
- The effects of social origin on educational and occupational attainment
- Research Fields
- Soiology
- Faculty - Division / Research Group / Laboratory
- Division of Human Sciences / Research Group of Sociology / Laboratory of Sociology
- Graduate School - Division / Department / Laboratory
- Division of Human Sciences / Department of Sociology / Laboratory of Sociology
- School - Course / Laboratory
- Division of Humanities and Human Sciences / Course of Human Sciences / Laboratory of Sociology
- Contact
Email: hirasawa(at)
Replace “(at)” with “@” when sending email.Foreign exchange students who want to be research students (including Japanese residents) should apply for the designated period in accordance with the “Research Student Application Guidelines”. Even if you send an email directly to the staff, there is no reply.- Related Links
“Gap society” has been a term often heard in recent years, but what does “gap” actually mean? The term gap has been studied in sociology as social inequality. [Regarding / In my own study of?] social inequality, I create hypotheses based on existing studies, collect data through social research, and test my hypotheses using quantitative methods.
It is important for students who want to study society to be interested in various social phenomena, learn how to analyze them, and express the results in a way that piques the interest of others.