
The Global Hillary

Women’s Political Leadership in Cultural Contexts
Sharma, Dinesh(EDT), Senaha, Eijun (11章:分担執筆)
瀬名波 栄潤 せなは えいじゅん 教員ページ


The Global Hillary critically analyzes Clinton’s role as a transformative leader of global influence. … Using international perspectives on the historical and cultural contexts of Clinton’s leadership, this book also looks toward the future of women’s political leadership in the 21st century with special attention to the prospect of electing a woman to the United States presidency.”


ヒラリー・ロダム・クリントンの自伝Living History (2003)とHard Choices (2014)を分析し、伝記作品としての特質と日米での受容の差異を比較検討しています。クリントンの文学作品は、読者を意識するあまり理解と誤解を同時に生じさせるのが特徴です。彼女の真意がそこにあるのかどうかは不明ですが、歴史の生き字引である彼女の困難な選択の数々を、この二冊だけでなく今回の大統領選挙も象徴しているように思います。

ISBN: 9781138829749
発行日: 2016.05
体裁: A4版変形・(ペーパーバック)、202ページ
定価: US$ 52.95, UK£ 31.99
出版社: Routledge
本文言語: 英語


1. The Global Hillary Dinesh Sharma
2. See Hillary Run: Hillary Clinton, American Exceptionalism, and Exceptions to the Rule Gregory W. Streich and Robynn Kuhlmann
3. Hillary Clinton: Feminist and Activist Florence L. Denmark, Hillary I. Goldstein, Kristin Thies and Adrian Tworecke
4. Hillary and Eleanor: The Rise of Smart Power and National Security Feminism Dinesh Sharma
5. Hilary Rodham Clinton and the 1995 Beijing International Conference on Women: Gender and the Nexus of Global and Domestic Power Dynamics N’Dri Therese Assie-Lumumba
6. Seeing Red: Republicans and Democrats in Alaska view Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin Grant J. Rich
7. Hillary’s Soft Power in France and Germany Donald Morrison
8. Can Hillary Clinton get Afghanistan Right? Prakhar Sharma
9. Soft Power and US Foreign Policy in Middle East Kenneth Christie
10. Hillary Clinton and Israel: American Jewish and Israeli Perceptions Ellen Fleishman
11. A Translation of Her Own: Hillary, Japan, and the Pivot to Asia Eijun Senaha